Panel Discussion: To augment the exhibition, the artists will work with the venue to organize a panel discussion of experts and activists working on Lake Michigan environmental issues. Such individuals may include biologists, environmental engineers, representatives from environmental organizations and others dealing with issues affecting Lake Michigan. The focus will be a clear conversation about the threats to Lake Michigan.
Photographic Workshop: Ted Glasoe and Nelson Armour have been photographing Lake Michigan for a number of years and are prepared to conduct a workshop on photographing the lake. Workshop elements could include classroom/studio preparation, an in-field sunrise/sunset session and a post-production activity.
It is hoped that the exhibit will be accompanied by a catalog. With assistance from the exhibiting venue, the current exhibition proposal book can be revised to serve as an exhibition catalog or a catalog can be fully developed.
Armour’s images are multi-layered. Initial images were photographed at Park Avenue Beach in Highland Park, IL. Then, Armour utilized different processes to alter the images. For some he photographed source point facilities that pollute Lake Michigan and layered these alternative images into the existing work. In other cases he collaged plastic microbeads onto the original print, created graphic designs using chemical compound formulas or burned prints with acid. In exhibition, the plastic microbead collaged works and acid-burned pieces would appear three dimensionally. Human waste was applied to another print.
The exhibit Surface Tension is designed to provoke viewers to consider the hidden but profound pollution of Lake Michigan. The artists envision the exhibit as having numerous elements, which could include the actual art display, discussions, panels and/or presentations by scientists and activists, a lecture or discussion by the artists, and a workshop by the artists on photographing Lake Michigan.
» As proposed, a complete exhibit would include 22 framed photographs — 11 image pairs consisting of one photo from each artist. If space is limited, fewer images may be used, or if additional space is available, up to 30 images — 15 pairs — may be used.
» Specific image pairings have been designed to complement each other and form a unified show. However, the curator may create alternative pairings.
» The exhibit is envisioned using 32" x 22" framed pieces. With 22 images, approximately 80.6 linear feet of exhibit space would be needed (see diagram). Alternative image size and framing options are at the curator’s discretion.
» Exhibition duration is a minimum of one month.
» All exhibition specifications may be tailored to individual venues.
Display Format and Design Diagram